Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hello Summer!

It's been a crazy first couple weeks of summer. I'm taking four classes. Three are only six weeks long and extremely intensive. I'm in two now, and when those end in two weeks, I'll start the third. I'm also in a fourth class that goes all summer long, so I've been busy and tired! But the end is in sight, and I can't wait to start my senior project this fall and put the college chapter of life behind me. It's been good, but I'm ready for what comes next!

The exciting news at work is I've been given a really terrific project! I'm managing the project all on my own, and my team is really awesome. We're shooting a training video for our HR department to use with incoming interns. We're making it educational but very funny, and using all internal people as our cast. We've shot two scenes so far, and I'm so pleased with our progress!

This will be an exciting season. Just hope I can stay focused and enjoy it all! I hope to post some new design projects soon.